CHECK IT: Looking for new music?

After searching high and low, far and wide, I’ve compiled a random list of 5 unsigned bands who’ve found a permanent home on my Ipod!

And in no particular order we have:

Dear You

Starting off on a comedic note we have Dear You. Reading from the books of Newfound Glory, The Wonder Years, Four Year Strong, and adding their own little twist on things, this band are fast becoming one of my favourites! They manage to bring out their lighthearted, humorous personalities into their music which makes listening to them  more of an experience rather than just listening to a piece of music. Alongside their own original work, the band have other  covers available to listen to for your pleasure.  Everything for Underoath to Pink – and they manage to do it very well might I add!

If you like what you hear, make sure to like their facebook page, and follow them on Twitter!

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After stumbling across this treasure, I nearly started tearing up at how good they were! For listeners of  bands such as Jamie’s Elsewhere, Hands Like Houses and the like, Cascades have developed a very melodic and mature sound that’s cleverly integrated with the age long battle of clean vs harsh vocals. The band recently released their debut E.P ‘Faceless People In Far Away Places’ which is available to download. Details of which are on their Facebook! For all you Sleeping With Sirens Fans, their track ‘Once Upon A Time In Mexico’ which is on the E.P, features Kellin Quinn lead singer of  Sleeping With Sirens!

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Following on with more talk about faceless things, I bring you Camisado! I have an extremely good feeling about this band! Hailing from Towson, this 5 piece remind me of names such as Asking Alexandria, Crown The Empire and Like Moths To Flames. Their recently released album ‘Faceless’ literally left me weak at the knees, this song in particular!

Make sure to stalk them on

Facebook:                                 Twitter:                                                                 They even have a Myspace:

Set The Sun

This metalcore band from Dallas, Texas, Set the Sun, are really making a name for themselves. Again for fans of Asking Alexandria, Like Moths To Flame, The Word Alive, Crown The Empire, iwrestledabearonce and Memphis May Fire. Despite being a metalcore, the band also manage to show their ‘softer’ side through their acoustic song, Mishaps which is definitely worth listening to! I nearly know all the words already!

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High Voltage

Finishing off on a lighter note! The next band who’ve set my ears tingling are High Voltage from Montana US of A. Apparently Montana has the largest grizzly bear population in the lower 48 states. Whether it’s true, why would anyone lie about such a thing? The band have a very Metallica meets Muse vibe going on but with a twist which comes in the form of lead vocalist Erin Schneider. Definitely a band to watch!

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2 responses to “CHECK IT: Looking for new music?

  1. Pingback: 5 Days Of Females In Rock #4: An Interview With High Voltage | Music.Hash·

  2. Pingback: New Music: Hands Like Houses I Am | Music.Hash·

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